The countdown clock has reached zero!

When you get to the Mission Icefly website, the timer is just blinking a bunch of zeros. If you scroll your mouse over the eye looking thing to the right of the timer, there seems to be some static interference. Click on it, and it opens up like the shutter of a camera, and theicefly (for lack of better name) flies right through it, into a barely lit tunnel.The next page that loads, at least for the first few minutes that the website was live, looked like this:

If you notice, all of the major cities are listed on either side of a video screen, but right now all that can be seen is a bunch of static interference. The text beneath it says "You are needed for Mission Icefly - the search has begun." The search for what?!? Also, he new URL has the word 'rescue' added to the end of it - who or what needs rescuing?
Underneath that text, there are a bunch of pentagons, which reminds me of the pentagon that was present in the ID badge that I made at the beginning of this campaign. And finally, underneath that is a list of numbers with the heading "In The Field" above it. I'm assuming those are the people that are going out there to these locations.
However, now if you click on the camera shutter type thing on the mission icefly webpage, all that comes up is a black screen with "Orlando" and "New York" links. If you click on the Orlando link, the following comes up:

It's a picture of... a bench? I don't really get it. And, where is this package that they speak of? Clicking on the link for New York doesn't provide much more insight:

...except that it is not an image of a bench, but of the threshold of some building/apartment/house. What is going on??? I'll keep updating as more pictures from the other cities are uploaded. I know I've said this before, but this is supposedly not for "The Dark Knight Rises." However, I can't shake the fact that the next leg of the viral marketing campaign is set to start any minute now... stay tuned!
I'm going to be posting short and sweet updates as more occurs throughout the day. Before, you could click on Orlando and New York to be taken to a PDF, which I wrote about in the last post. Now, you can no longer click on New York. Mission (partly) accomplished?
Now Orlando is gone, and New York has been credited to Nrickolai.
Chicago, Boston and Nashville now listed in the cities, along with their PDFs. Pictures to come soon.
All the cities are listed now, but not all of them are clickable links. Only Chicago, Boston and Nashville are able to be clicked on.
Boston and Chicago have been crossed out.
Nashville's out, too, but Atlanta, Dallas and Washington DC have been added. I will post the pictures soon. I have noticed, however, that at the top of each of the PDFs, there are coordinates to the location that is pictured, presumably. Furthermore, each picture seems to be of a bench or a plant. Stay tuned...
Atlanta is out, and now, at the top of the website, there is a creepy video playing. If you watch it for long enough, you start to see some clearer pictures and Terry O'Quinn's voice. You can't ever hear completely what he says, but only the beginnings of two sentences. The first starts with, "We experience every second through our senses..." and the second starts with, "Who and what we are is taken..."
Still waiting on Dallas (that's what you get when you pick Dallas over Houston...). Meanwhile, over on Twitter, @NCrist posted pictures of what was included in the package. It seems to be some kind of light up statue of the Icefly - check out the pics:

There has been more added to the video, including O'Quinn saying, "They define how we..." Presumably he is still talking about the senses. There are also some shots of a red-headed girl in a car and what appears to be a young male pilot flying a military plane.
The FLICKR account for Mission Icefly has been updated with pictures from New York, Orlando, Chicago and Nashville, the first cities completed. The statue came in a wooden box stuffed with packaging "hay." It would have been really cool if I got my hands on one of those...
Dallas is finally closed, and the links for Phoenix and Denver are now live. More of the video has been posted as well, and it is just as weird.
San Francisco and Las Vegas are both live.
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